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Hello, all. It’s been a couple of months since last I checked in. Excuses include–but aren’t limited to: new job, new responsibilities as president of a local writing group and secretary of another and admin of a third, helping my daughter start her bookbinding business, promoting my work, trying to write, and (probably the biggest and most accurate excuse) pure laziness.

In June, Books & Bevvies featured And They Danced. I paired my book with an awesome margarita from Wild Salsa in Frisco. Yum!

There’s a lot happening in July. First up this week, my husband is having what is hopefully the final step in his recovery. In October 2021, he fell through a ceiling, shattering his left knee and tearing up his right shoulder. We have spent in the last year and a half in a state of repair, healing, and waiting. This coming week, he will undergo a knee replacement. It was scheduled for last week, however, the CT showed there was no bone where the replacement post was to go. We had to wait for a custom implant to arrive. Now, we are a go and by this time next week, he’ll be on the road to recovery.

Another positive note is the beginning of a blog tour for And They Danced. If you haven’t signed up for Lone Star Literary Life, you’re missing out on some great reads. They specialize in books and authors that have a strong connection to Texas. I have a giveaway going–so check it out on their website.

Please support these Books & Bevvies and Lone Star Literary Life. They do quite a bit for authors and readers alike. Have a safe and happy July 4th!


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